Alumier MD® Chemical PeelAlumier MD is a medical grade skin care/treatment range. Clean science is used so all products are free from harmful ingredients and all ingredients are Bio available meaning they are recognised by your body. I can treat all major skin concerns, ageing, acne, acne rosacea and pigmentation with home care products and in clinic treatments. Using a combination of treatment masks and chemical peels to target all skin conditions to achieve optimum skin results. Each treatment is tailored for your skin needs on the day using treatment masks, chemical peels and Dermalux LED. If I feel that’s your skin is not suited to a medium strength peel on the day I will reduce the cost of your treatment accordingly. Each treatment includes a home care kit. |
Light-medium peel Allow 60mins |
Course of 6 |
Please note: Treatment times may vary click the BOOK NOW button below for the correct information. |
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